Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Siapa yg Ngajarin Anak Kita Untuk Jadi Orang Sinis?

Gw mo nanya, sapa yg sih yg nggak bete kalo pas kita mo nanya serius, tau-tau jawaban yg kita dapet nyenga' banget balesannya. Sumpe mampus pasti kita pengen ngegetok tu orang yg tanpa perikemanusiaan telah memperlakukan kita dengan perikebinatangan (he.. he..)

Gw inget, pernah tuh di playgroup tempat anak gw 'sekolah', ada bokap temen sekelas anak gw yg namanya Haris (disamarkan), sebenernya orangnya baek, tapi ada kejadian waktu anaknya (namanya Yudi, disamarkan karena alasan iseng aja.. lol...)dikasi peran jadi pilot untuk acara operet yang diselenggarakan oleh sekolahnya menjelang tutup taon ajaran baru.

Si anak, Yudi, mungkin saking semangatnya karena kepilih dapet peran jadi pilot dari educator-nya, langsung nyamperin babenya, Haris, buat lebih ngemantepin perannya jadi pilot, dia minta kostum baju penerbang sipil lengkap ama topinya sekalian. Dan babenya spontan langsung ngejawab begini, "Hebat loe Yud, baru dapet peran pura-pura jadi pilot aja udah langsung minta seragamnya.. kenapa nggak sekalian minta pesawatnya yang beneran? ................................

Gw nggak bisa nyalahin si Haris karena ngomong begitu ke anaknya. Buat kita-kita yang punya ortu angkatan baby boomer, pasti kita juga terbiasa dengan komen-komen kaya gini jaman kita kecil dulu. Tapi itu kan dulu.. masa sih kita nggak bisa mikir, kita sih ngomongnya enteng aja, tapi gimana efeknya ke si anak?

Rasanya makin hari makin banyak aja orang yg gampang ngasih komentar sinis. Dan hebatnya lagi.. semakin kenceng sinis dan sarkasmenya, biasanya orang yg ginian nih yg ngerasa dirinya paling te o pe.. Kalo gw mah amit2, walo pun duit lagi cekak tanggung bulan mana anak gw minta macem2 yg bikin pala gw tambah puyeng.. gw usahain pol-polan buat nggak ngomong nyenga' ke anak gw. Udah cukup banyak orang nyebelin yang cuma jago omdo alias omong doang yg bisanya cuman nyeletuk kanan kiri, gw kaga mo nambahain satu lagi di muka bumi ini.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Back to the Hometown

You may not even recognize her anymore, but what she did in the past few years ago could not say worthless. Her contribution for Indonesia is inspiring for the junior badminton players to achieve more than she ever reached. Partnered with Lili Tampi, their most distinction in women’s double player was recorded in the world badminton history.

Now after she retired from the world which has raised her reputation around the world, she came back to her hometown in Yogyakarta. And she opened a sporting goods store’s called Fina Sport, according to her name Finarsih.

Besides running a badminton club’s named PB AMP YKPN, her store in Yogyakarta addresses at Jalan kaliurang km 6,5 Kentungan, has been renowned as a referral place among the badminton players in town or maybe even around the country, for its completeness and good prices.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Reminiscing Earthquake Tragedy at 27th May 2006 One Year Ago

It’s quite amusing how a man suddenly became a celebrity because of a volcano eruption. It happened a year ago when an old man who lives at valley of Mount Merapi which against his will didn’t want to demobilized from his neighborhood. He assumed that his existence, approximately 4 kilometers from the volcano activities would not affected him and his family. His one that people believe that he is the “master” of Mount Merapi at the Central Java.
His obligation of “guarding” the Mount appeared during reign of Sultan Hamengkubowono IX. That’s why after the decease of the Sultan, he won’t obeyed order from anybody including the government officers, except Hamengkubowono IX himself.

His belief against the government’s order suddenly became a national interest. And television broadcasts started to make a deep coverage about him. The man known as Mbah Maridjan abruptly became a topic attention in every national conversation.

Ironically, the disaster didn’t come from north direction of Yogyakarta city which the mountain lays. In fact, the tragedy appeared from Gunungkidul which part of south region of Yogyakarta province. The impact of 6,2 Richter scale earthquake is an unbelievable mess. It devastated almost hundreds thousands homes in south region of Yogyakarta.



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