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Back to the Hometown

You may not even recognize her anymore, but what she did in the past few years ago could not say worthless. Her contribution for Indonesia is inspiring for the junior badminton players to achieve more than she ever reached. Partnered with Lili Tampi, their most distinction in women’s double player was recorded in the world badminton history.

Now after she retired from the world which has raised her reputation around the world, she came back to her hometown in Yogyakarta. And she opened a sporting goods store’s called Fina Sport, according to her name Finarsih.

Besides running a badminton club’s named PB AMP YKPN, her store in Yogyakarta addresses at Jalan kaliurang km 6,5 Kentungan, has been renowned as a referral place among the badminton players in town or maybe even around the country, for its completeness and good prices.

Hmmm. semoga sukses...Mantan atlit badminton dan tenis meja kenapa akhirnya banyak jadi pembuka toko olahraga yah?

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